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What a cool idea! All the characters were great, and the voice acting in very very good! My only critique is that music seems to be only used in the rhythm game section, I think having (background) music during the story sections too would make the sound experience more exciting and enhance the great voice acting even more! Great work!

SUCH a fan of the style and characters. The animations are all so cute and the voice actors did an amazing job. Oh and of course the music is sick!! I'll definitely be keeping my eye out for the full release in the future!

Kudos for implementing a rhythm game into ren'py, but also my rhythm gamer soul craves for harder difficulty songs.  Though I know that sort of thing would probably be a full release feature.

I touch on some areas I think could be improved in future iterations in the vod, but here's something I didn't mention:

- The rhythm game songs weren't tied to the volume sliders in preferences as far as I could tell? I'm going to guess you are using movies for that portion. If so I'd maybe recommend adding the "channel" tag and setting it to "music" so that it shares the same volume as the music audio channel.

good gameplay and kick ass music

THIS ROCKSSS!!! I'm such a huge fan of the aesthetic you guys have, you did a great job with the main menu parallax! The character sprites are super awesome. Rob is definitely my favorite, his performance is so charismatic and charming, but all the other VAs are just as fun! I love all the ghosts and how they're ANIMATED, really nice touch!! QvQ

Here's my constructive crit: 
The switch between the main gameplay and the rhythm game is a little abrupt. There are some writing errors here and there, and the UI doesn't seem to have an easily identifiable "quit" button— the mixing on the audio is a little confusing as well, with the characters being quite a bit more quiet than the background music (and the sound effects being FAR louder than either one)! 

All in all, this was so fun! There's so much heart put into it and I'd love to see more of this game and the world it takes place in, if you guys plan on making it! It would also be super amazing if you credited the VAs on this page as well, I'd love to check out their other work too. Once again; good job, guys!


Thank you so much!! Im glad you enjoyed the game! I added the Va's in the game page along with everyones link to their page. I'll be sure to make some changes accordingly in the game! The sounds effects did bug me too so I'll get to that asap.  We do have plans on making a full game of Undead Strings,  sometime next year actually but i'm still coming up for the story of it all.